Thorough briefing of a potential customer/test user regarding the
nature and process of the tests to be used is essential in order
that the most appropriate kind of test is used for the task in hand.
There are basically two types of Occupational Tests that have radically
different purposes.
One type is performance based, known as aptitude and ability tests.
For these candidates are given specific tasks to undertake and results
are based on how they cope with these. Ability tests include such
things as intelligence tests where an individual's mental abilities
are sought. On the other hand aptitude tests show, as the name suggests,
how well an individual may be able to acquire (if they do not already
hold) specific skills such as mechanical work.
The other type is what are known as psychometric tests or self-description
tests. In these correct responses are those that feel right for
the individual as they measure a person's interests or personality
traits. This knowledge can help the individual understand why at
times they may feel like a square peg in a round hole e.g. they
work better on their own rather than surrounded by others. |